
The core mission of the ILAW Network is to bring together legal practitioners and scholars in an exchange of ideas and information in order to best represent the rights and interests of workers and their organizations wherever they may be.

Given the global nature of work and the common trends that affect workers regardless of nationality, a global legal network is needed now more than ever to effectively represent workers in issues that transcend national boundaries. Effective legal advocacy for workers will increasingly require the collaboration of lawyers in multiple legal jurisdictions.

The issue areas in which the network will focus are:

  • Workers’ Rights and Corporate Accountability In Global Supply Chains
  • The Fissured Employment Relationship
  • The Informal Economy
  • Migrant Worker Rights
  • Forced Labor and Trafficking
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Public Sector
  • Trade Union Rights
  • Gender-based Violence and Harassment
  • OSH
  • International Labor Organization
  • COVID-19
  • Climate & Labor
  • Trade Agreements
  • Regional Human Rights Systems

The ILAW Network seeks to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas through our online library and forums, and encourage all members to contribute resources. Given the global reach, this website will be the main point of interaction among members, though we will endeavor to convene member conferences as resources allow.